
My goal is to meet your needs and exceed your expectations. My years of experience, advanced training and skills, and commitment to the highest quality therapeutic massage are reflected in these rates. I work with you so that the benefits of your massage last longer than the time we have together.

Your body is a diverse landscape so we may achieve your goals by using different techniques in different areas. When you walk in for your appointment, we decide together which techniques to use based on what your body needs that day. Therefore, Services are listed by length, not technique. Pregnancy massage can be offered for up to 1 1/2 hours.

(For full view, rotate mobile device to landscape mode.)

Been a while? If your last Melt Massage was 2017 or longer ago, your next will be a First Visit. Please plan accordingly.

Every First Visit begins with an initial consultation of up to 30 minutes before the hands-on portion so we don’t leave a good massage to chance.

Rates and Payment Types  
Credit Card / Venmo* Cash/Check** / Zelle***
First Visits (include initial consultation)
First Visit 1 hour $170 $160
First Visit 1 1/4 hours $208 $198
First Visit 1 1/2 hours $245 $235
First Visit 2 hours $315 $305
Return Visits
Return Visit 1 hour $150 $140
Return Visit 1 1/4 hours $188 $178
Return Visit 1 1/2 hours $225 $215
Return Visit 2 hours $295 $285
Return Visit 4 hours $590 $565

Add-ons: (Note: Cupping & Skin Brushing only in sessions 1 1/4 hours or longer)

Cupping $28 $26
Kinesio Taping $22 $20
Skin Brushing $25 $24


Private Couples Class – 1 hour
In Person: $222 $200
Live Online: $212 $190


Private Couples Class – 1.5 hours

In Person: $265 $235
Live Online: $255 $230


Public Group Classes – 2 hours, rate: per person per class          $150


Note: Find and Book Private Classes under “Services.”

See Dates and Book Public Classes under “Classes.”


Book now!

Give the Gift!

* Venmo: @theMeltMassage, not @MeltMassage.)

** Checks payable to Melt Massage LLC

***Zelle: Hana@MeltMassage.net

– Rates are subject to change without notice. –


Birthday Specials!


Have a Gift Certificate you haven’t used yet? You’ve got credit!

Gift Certificates purchased between January 1, 2022 and December 31, 2023 will be honored at their full length of service through March 31, 2024.

Gift Certificates purchased before December 31, 2023 and unused completely by April 1, 2024 may then be used at their dollar value toward services at current rates. For instance, if you have a gift certificate for a First Visit 1 hour massage purchased on September 15, 2019 for $135, you may use the value of $135 toward a First Visit 1 hour with a small balance due to meet current service rates.

If you’re unsure about the dollar value of your gift, please contact us before booking your session.

Gift Certificates are fully transferrable, I mean, if you really want to do that. 🙂



New packages are currently not being offered.

However, if you purchased a package before the Shelter in Place began, March 16, 2020, that you didn’t complete using, you have credit!

As of January 1, 2022, all remaining credits from packages are adjusted from session lengths to a dollar value and may be used toward services at rates current at the time.

Packages are solely for one client. Package credits are not to be shared between two or more people.

Questions? Please contact us.

Web Credits: eCarbonated.com
eCarbonated.com - Dynamic Website Design and Development
Melt Massage LLC

Melt Massage LLC