
Welcome to our Melt Massage Massage Video page.

Introduction to Hana Levin, Massage Therapist, with special massage tip!

Tennis Ball for Self Massage v 1

Stress Less in 3 Easy Breaths

Lower back tight? Stretch with me

Forearms tight? Stretch with me

Adaptation of the first video in case it’s easier for your knees.

Quiet your Mind….in 30 seconds

Turn off all competing noise. Give yourself 30 seconds to focus on one sound, this sound. Listen to it expand and contract, like your breath. Listen to the very end.

If you listen on your phone (without a headset) try moving the speaker slowly one time around your head for a 360 degree sound bath.

Melt your knots with the proper use of a Theracane

I love this tool! It’s the one I give as a gift, keep by my desk and my bedside for fast and easy relief from stress and tension. How do you use it differently from how I do? Please share so I can share with others.

Avoid these Contraindicated points in Pregnancy Massage

Pregnant women need massage! They also need to know what points are contraindicated, or which to avoid, until they’re ready to deliver! Many therapists won’t work on pregnant women in their first trimester but there are safe ways to do this, including knowing these main 4 spots to avoid;

1) on top of the shoulder,
2) in the web of the hand between the thumb and forefinger,
3) & 4) inside and outside the ankle between the ankle bone and the heel.

For clarification or a customized training in a Virtual Couples Massage Class, email me at

Deep Pec stretch for tight neck and shoulders and breast scar tissue

Want relief from tension in your neck and shoulders from tech neck or breast surgery? Using a ball on the wall gets deeper than regular Pec stretches. Try this. Let me know what you think.

Eagle Arms for relief from tightness in neck and shoulders












Tight neck and shoulders? Try this stretch to get some relief.


Melt Massage and Hana Levin

Hana Levin has over 30 years experience and certificates in Swedish, Sports, Deep Tissue, Pregnancy massage, Reflexology, Trigger Point, Myofascial Release and Hospice massage. She says, “Neither my years nor my trainings make me an expert in you. You know what feels good to your own body. We work together to get you the best massage possible, every time.”

Since Covid services are now also offered remotely. For more information, check out Virtual Services or email: Stay safe and stay healthy.

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Melt Massage LLC

Melt Massage LLC