Virtual Massage? Yes! (it works!)

Revised June 16, 2023

Although there were many trials and tragedies from the pandemic, one thing I’m grateful for is that it gave birth to Melt’s Virtual Massage services!

It is different. But, it works!

Now offering real live online Private Couples Massage Class!


Clients of Private Online massage classes say,

“Feeling good. Slept better last night.” Rebecca D.

“…really appreciate getting to learn some new techniques and ways to make massages easier and more effective.” – Carla H.

“My pain seems to me to be markedly diminished….You are a good and patient teacher.” – Glenn H.


How it works – like the in-person Couples Class, but by video call instead:

  • We start with a Discovery Dialogue fleshing out the top nagging physical complaints for each of you; what they are, their history, contributing and relieving factors.
  • We Set Goals and Establish Expectations for our time together.
  • We assess your baseline Knowledge and I add to it

What to expect ~ Relief!

  • In the comfort of your own home
  • Fully clothed
  • We will
    • establish a baseline for skills
      • What self/other care do you already do?
      • What works/doesn’t?
      • What do you want to work better?
    • demonstrate techniques
      • you show me – what you do, so I can determine what to add to it
      • I show you / guide you – what else I would do
        • leveraging what you already do
          • + ergonomic tips
          • + how to get more out of what you already do
        • adding easy-to-use secrets I’ve learned over 20 years
          • customized for what works for (both of) you
    • practice, review & refine techniques for
      • safety,
      • effectiveness &
      • stamina.

What to take away – New Skills!

  • By the time we’re done you should have new and proven, easy and effective ways to help yourself and the loved ones feel lasting relief from stress and tension leveraging your learning from one massage to the next.

Book Live Online Private Classes

listed under Services for 1 or 1 1/2 hours of personalized, customized training and discover the healing that lives within Your hands!




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Melt Massage LLC

Melt Massage LLC