Monthly Archives: September 2017

Insurance / Workers Comp

We understand the desire to use Insurance or have a Workers Comp case cover the cost of your massages. When it is feasible we will certainly consider this. However, at this time, payment can be quite low and can often take up to 6 months to receive. Because our bills don’t wait 6 months and […]

Feeling the heat? Chill out! with these 6 tricks to cool yourself now:

Wrap your wrists around your cold drink glass Hold your cold drink glass against the inside of your other elbow, then switch sides Wrap a piece of ice in your napkin and place in the nook behind your earlobe, switch sides Roll your napkin-wrapped ice cube all around the inside of your ankle, switch sides […]

Web Credits: - Dynamic Website Design and Development
Melt Massage LLC

Melt Massage LLC