(Updated: Dec. 12, 2022)
Who do you turn to for reliable health and safety information while navigating a world with the novel Corona virus?
So far, here are my resources:
- CDPH (California Department of Public Health)
- UCSF Covid TownHall
- ACPHD (Alameda County Public Health Department)
- Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center
- Mike Osterholm, CIDRAP (Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy)
- Medscape
- Dr. Eric Topol, Medscape’s Editor-in-Chief; Twitter & Podcasts
- Ruth Werner, CMT, Pathology Expert
- Dr. John Campbell, former Nurse and current Nurse instructor in the UK, daily Covid research articles reviewed on YouTube
- Healwell, Providers of Therapeutic massage, interdisciplinary education, and research for those with serious illness (in Virginia)
- New York Times
- Washington Post
- Ed Yong, Science Journalist at The Atlantic
- Nature.com
- TWIV Podcast – This Week in Virology
- IHME, Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation
- In the Bubble with Andy Slavitt, podcasts
And here are a few sites where some first person reporting is done where the impetus for robust scientific studies often begins.
- VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System)
- Massage, Health Practitioners and COVID-19 Facebook group
- Survivor Corps FaceBook page, raising awareness about Long Haulers
What are your resources?
I’d love to learn. Please share by emailing me at Hana@MeltMassage.net