Monitoring the Pandemic

(Updated: Dec. 12, 2022)

Who do you turn to for reliable health and safety information while navigating a world with the novel Corona virus?

So far, here are my resources:

  1. WHO
  2. CDC
  3. CDPH (California Department of Public Health)
  4. UCSF Covid TownHall
  5. ACPHD (Alameda County Public Health Department)
  6. Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center
  7. Mike Osterholm, CIDRAP (Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy)
  8. Medscape
  9. Dr. Eric Topol, Medscape’s Editor-in-Chief; Twitter & Podcasts
  10. Ruth Werner, CMT, Pathology Expert
  11. Dr. John Campbell, former Nurse and current Nurse instructor in the UK, daily Covid research articles reviewed on YouTube
  12. Healwell, Providers of Therapeutic massage, interdisciplinary education, and research for those with serious illness (in Virginia)
  13. New York Times
  14. Washington Post
  15. Ed Yong, Science Journalist at The Atlantic
  17. TWIV Podcast – This Week in Virology
  18. IHME, Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation
  19. In the Bubble with Andy Slavitt, podcasts

And here are a few sites where some first person reporting is done where the impetus for robust scientific studies often begins.

  1. VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System)
  2. Massage, Health Practitioners and COVID-19 Facebook group
  3. Survivor Corps FaceBook page, raising awareness about Long Haulers

What are your resources?

I’d love to learn. Please share by emailing me at

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