Monthly Archives: June 2023

Masking Policy

Revised 1/21/25 At Melt Massage wearing high a quality NIOSH approved N95 mask covering the nose and mouth at the time of your appointment will continue to be required if: you had or recovered from having had Covid in the previous 21 days you are asymptomatic but have been around someone who is sick or “getting […]

Is it a Cold, Covid or Allergies?

This past year’s winter led to a beautiful and prolific spring. But, super-blooms mean super allergies. With Covid declining but still mutating, colds recirculating and allergies at an all-time high, how do we know which our system is dealing with to know how to respond safely and properly? Check out this article from the Mayo […]

Tips for Traveling without Pain

How many travel injuries have I treated? Pulled backs from lifting luggage, strained necks from sleeping on a flight or on strange beds… Travel can be fun, but what good is a vacation you come home from feeling like you need another vacation? Try these Travel Tips!   In your Carry-On, pack: 1) Tennis ball […]

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Melt Massage LLC

Melt Massage LLC