Melt Massage Blog

Learn How to Give a Great Massage!


The Power to Heal is not just in my hands, it’s in Your hands, too.

Discover your inner Massage Therapist

Whether you have some or no training in massage at all, this class is for you if you love to give, and receive, a great massage. Feel better right away and take home the tools to continue getting better and better at giving a professional-style massage that works for you and makes them Melt, every time.

No need to register for a whole course or massage training program.

In-person professional massage classes provide the personalized coaching you can’t get from a recorded video. Translate words and images into touch with a professional who can help you feel what you’re looking for and help you know when you’ve got it.

Small group class:

Book early. Class will fill. Space is limited.

-> Pre-Registration Required. No Walk-ins <-

Saturday, July 20, 2024, 10am – 12noon*

Secrets of Massage Magic

You are amazing! Your body is full of magic and mystery. In over 30 years of doing bodywork I’ve discovered some of this vast mystery and magic, some of which I’ve been blessed to have the opportunity to share with you in the course of your massages, like in feeling unexpected connections in the body and surprising relief from simple techniques. But there’s more! And it’s too good not to share!

I’ve discovered

  • where there are potent points in the body that lead to quick relief,
  • what simple techniques there are to reduce tension where we carry it the most,
  • how to massage oneself or others in ways that leave us feeling better, too,
  • and more.

And I’m ready to share with you what I’ve learned!

Space is limited. So act now.

Sign up with a friend so you can practice on each other.

* Registration open through Wednesday, July 17, 2024 only. *


Rate: $150 per student per class

Register with friends and $ave:

Register yourself and 1-2 friends, each gets $15 Cash Back at class

Register yourself and 3-4 friends, each gets $20 Cash Back at class

If you sign-up with a friend, let us know.


Private “couples classes” starting at $220 / 1 hour: available during Melt’s regular business hours weekdays can be scheduled here.


Leverage my learning from multiple certifications and over

30 years of experience.

  • Learn the 3 P’s that lead to a perfect massage.
  • Learn the 2 Q’s that set you up for success.
  • Learn the 1 request that is the source of my magic, and will be for you, too.
  • *Plus learn the key 3 steps that will keep you improving every time you practice.*


Logistics: Wear comfortable clothing. All massages done fully clothed for group classes. All equipment and materials provided. Covid and general health protocols followed. If you’ve been sick or getting over being sick the week before class but well enough to be around babies/the elderly the day of class, you may be asked to wear a mask. Otherwise, please note my current Masking Policy

Let’s get Melting!


*This date/time not work for you, but you’re interested to learn more? Email your questions.




Couples Massage Class!


You love your friend/partner.

You notice when they’re in pain or have tension.

You want to help them feel more relaxed.

You’d like to give them a massage, but you have questions…


How do I find the knots?

How much pressure should I use?

How can my massage be more relaxing for them?

  • Given their particular body’s history, aches, pains and injuries?
  • Given the format we’re working with – on the bed, the couch or the floor

How do I maintain my stamina without working so hard I need to get a massage after giving one?

Leverage my learning from multiple certifications and over

30 years of experience.

  • Learn the 3 P’s that lead to a perfect massage.
  • Learn the 2 Q’s that set you up for success.
  • Learn the 1 request that is the source of my magic, and will be for you, too.
  • *Plus learn the key 3 steps that will keep you improving every time you practice.*

Private in-person Couples Massage Classes offered for

1 or 1 1/2 hours.


How it works – easily

  • We start with a Discovery Dialogue fleshing out the top nagging physical complaints for each of you; what they are, their history, contributing and relieving factors.
  • We Set Goals and Establish Expectations for our time together.
  • We assess your baseline Knowledge and I add to it

What to expect ~ Relief!

  • Fully clothed
  • We will
    • establish a baseline for skills
      • What self/other care do you already do?
      • What works/doesn’t?
      • What do you want to work better?
    • demonstrate techniques
      • you show me – what you do, so I can determine what to add to it
      • I show you / guide you – what else I would do
        • leveraging what you already do
          • + ergonomic tips
          • + how to get more out of what you already do
        • adding easy-to-use secrets I’ve learned over 30 years
          • customized for what works for (both of) you
    • practice, review & refine techniques for
      • safety,
      • effectiveness &
      • stamina.

What to take away – New Skills!

  • By the time we’re done you should have new and proven, easy and effective ways to help yourself and the loved ones feel lasting relief from stress and tension leveraging your learning from one massage to the next.

(Makes a great gift!)

Book Now!

1 hour: $220

1 1/2 hours $250


In person – all Covid protocols followed. Also offered “Virtually” from the comfort of your own home!

Increase the learning with: Group classes!



Virtual Massage? Yes! (it works!)


Revised June 16, 2023

Although there were many trials and tragedies from the pandemic, one thing I’m grateful for is that it gave birth to Melt’s Virtual Massage services!

It is different. But, it works!

Now offering real live online Private Couples Massage Class!


Clients of Private Online massage classes say,

“Feeling good. Slept better last night.” Rebecca D.

“…really appreciate getting to learn some new techniques and ways to make massages easier and more effective.” – Carla H.

“My pain seems to me to be markedly diminished….You are a good and patient teacher.” – Glenn H.


How it works – like the in-person Couples Class, but by video call instead:

  • We start with a Discovery Dialogue fleshing out the top nagging physical complaints for each of you; what they are, their history, contributing and relieving factors.
  • We Set Goals and Establish Expectations for our time together.
  • We assess your baseline Knowledge and I add to it

What to expect ~ Relief!

  • In the comfort of your own home
  • Fully clothed
  • We will
    • establish a baseline for skills
      • What self/other care do you already do?
      • What works/doesn’t?
      • What do you want to work better?
    • demonstrate techniques
      • you show me – what you do, so I can determine what to add to it
      • I show you / guide you – what else I would do
        • leveraging what you already do
          • + ergonomic tips
          • + how to get more out of what you already do
        • adding easy-to-use secrets I’ve learned over 20 years
          • customized for what works for (both of) you
    • practice, review & refine techniques for
      • safety,
      • effectiveness &
      • stamina.

What to take away – New Skills!

  • By the time we’re done you should have new and proven, easy and effective ways to help yourself and the loved ones feel lasting relief from stress and tension leveraging your learning from one massage to the next.

Book Live Online Private Classes

listed under Services for 1 or 1 1/2 hours of personalized, customized training and discover the healing that lives within Your hands!




Secrets of Massage Magic revealed – Saturday July 20th

You are amazing! Your body is full of magic and mystery.

Join me as I share some of what I’ve learned over 30 years in this small group class.

Book early. Class will fill. Space is limited.

-> Pre-Registration Required. No Walk-ins <-

Saturday, July 20, 2024, 10am – 12noon*

Secrets of Massage Magic

Learn more today.



Spring Clean your Body!

In this era for most people, the New Year is celebrated in the dead of winter. Millions of people around the world for over 3,000 years have been, and will today and for the next 13 days, be celebtating New Year or Nowruz, on the spring or vernal equinox.

Traditional celebrations include music, rituals and special things to eat. Some people celebrate this time of year by doing a deep cleaning of their homes, their lives or their bodies.

During this time of rising energy, are you doing or considering doing a cleanse?

If so, it’s a great time to use massage to help your body detox. Massage itself is detoxing and there are specific immune system boosting and detoxing techniques you can ask for to help you with your cleanse, including an abdominal massage. It can be gentle and very effective to help you let go of old stuff. To learn more, just ask.

However you celebrate, I’m wishing each and every one of you a very Happy New Year on this first day of Spring!

Celebrating Women’s History Month with Melt Specials

On Piedmont Avenue we are celebrating Women’s History Month with the brand new Women of the Avenue Shopping Passport! It offers specials and savings for men, women and non-binary folks at many Women Owned Businesses, including Melt!

At Melt:

  1. Check out one of Melt’s self-care videos,
  2. post your feedback on Melt’s Facebook page, and
  3. receive a Complimentary Pain Relief Discovery Call!

Collect 6 stamps between various participating businesses and be entered into the raffle to

Win a 30 minute Melt Massage!

Pick up a paper Passport at any participating business, including outside of Melt, at 3852 Piedmont Avenue, and follow the steps to specials and prizes!



Revised Cancelation Policy

Possibly sick at your Massage Appointment? Read the latest updated policy to learn more:

Many contagious illnesses, from the novel coronavirus, Covid-19, to the common cold, can be spread by sneezing, coughing or even talking near someone. In support of our health, and maintaining a healthy environment for your massage where we will spend time near each other, we do not massage people when they are sick or “getting over being sick.” Getting a massage when you’re sick or have recently been exposed to someone who is sick is a bad idea for you and for the therapist as it could make your illness worse and spread the illness.

If you have any symptoms of being sick within 5 days before your appointment, please reschedule. Also, if you are not actively sick, but have been around someone within the last 5 days who you know is or has recently been sick, please reschedule.

If you show up to an appointment when you have recently been exposed to someone actively sick or are sick yourself, full payment for your appointment may be due and service declined. To avoid this uncomfortable and costly situation, as soon as you think you may be sick by your appointment time, and no later than 24 hours before your appointment, please reschedule.*

According to the Mayo Clinic the incubation period of a cold, after exposure and before the first symptom, can be 1-3 days. Before we show any symptoms, we may also be spreading a cold. “A person with a cold is contagious for the entire time their symptoms are present.”

We know Covid is contagious with our without symptoms, from 2-14 days for most people, longer for others. This is why I still mask.

If you have had Covid before your massage make sure you have had two sequential negative tests at least one day apart and have been 100% free of symptoms for at least 5 days.


You have the power to prevent the spread of disease. Please exercise this power.


To learn more, read the full Cancelation Policy.


Web Credits: - Dynamic Website Design and Development
Melt Massage LLC

Melt Massage LLC